The undergraduate program in Theology is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a reasoned reflection on their own values, faith, and tradition, as well as on the religious forces that shape our society and world. As a broad liberal arts discipline, theology encourages and guides inquiries into life's most meaningful issues from such diverse perspectives as ethics, biblical studies, history, psychology, social studies, philosophy, and comparative religion. There is a strong, although not exclusive, emphasis on Christianity, especially as manifested in the Roman Catholic tradition.
The major in Theology has proven to be excellent preparation for vocations requiring careful reasoning, close reading, clarity in written expression, the ability to make ethical decisions, and a broad understanding of cultures. It provides a solid background for graduate study in the humanities and for such professional schools as medicine, business, and law. For those wishing to pursue a career in ministry or religious education Theology is, of course, still a prerequisite. Long gone, however, is the time when Theology was considered the exclusive domain of seminarians and the religious. Many students now elect Theology as a second major to balance and to broaden their education and to provide perspective on such first majors as biology, political science, or English literature.
Students who elect to major or minor in Theology are encouraged to meet with the Department's Director of Undergraduate Studies to review their opportunities as well as pertinent departmental policies.
The Theology Department boasts a large, internationally known faculty with expertise in areas as diverse as systematic theology, ethics, biblical studies, church history, liturgy, psychology of religion, and the dialogue between Christianity and other major religious traditions. A prestigious graduate program leads to the Ph.D. degree in several specialties. Nevertheless, the Department as a whole remains fully committed to the teaching of undergraduates and to the education of Theology majors.
Course Offerings
The Department distinguishes four levels of course offerings:
Level 1 and Core (THEO1000-1999)
Introductory, designed for the fulfillment of the University's basic Theology core requirements, and non-core elementary undergraduate theology courses, including pre-approved elementary language courses.
Level 2 (THEO2000-4999)
Undergraduate electives, more specifically aimed at minors and majors.
Level 3 (THEO5000-5999)
Addressed to advanced undergraduates (usually majors) and graduate students who are more theologically proficient.
Graduate (THEO6000-7999)
Offered exclusively for professionally academic theological formation.
Core Options
The Core requirement in theology is six credit hours and may be fulfilled by either of the following options (A or B):
A. Two 3-Credit Courses: One CT and one STT
Students must take one Christian Theology (CT) course and one Sacred Texts and Traditions (STT) course. These need not be taken in any particular order and may even be taken in the same semester.
Christian Theology (CT) Courses
- THEO1401 Engaging Catholicism
- THEO1402 God, Self, and Society
Sacred Texts and Traditions (STT) Courses
- THEO1420 The Everlasting Covenant: The Hebrew Bible
- THEO1421 Inscribing the Word: The New Testament
- THEO1422 The Sacred Page: The Bible
- THEO1430 Buddhism and Christianity in Dialogue
- THEO1431 Islam and Christianity in Dialogue
- THEO1432 Hinduism and Christianity in Dialogue
- THEO1433 Chinese Religions and Christianity in Dialogue
- THEO1434 Judaism and Christianity in Dialogue
Enduring Questions and Complex Problems courses offered by the Theology Department (THEO17XX) will be identified by the department as counting towards the Christian Theology (CT) or Sacred Text and Traditions (STT) requirement. Note: a student may not fulfill their Theology Core with two Enduring Questions/Complex Problems courses.
B. 12 Credit Options
A student may take either of these course sequences to fulfill the Theology requirement:
- THEO/PHIL1088–1089 Person and Social Responsibility I and II (for PULSE Program students only)
- THEO/PHIL1090–1091 Perspectives on Western Culture I and II (for first-year students only)
Note: students who only complete one semester of the 12-credit theology core sequences must reach out to the theology department for guidance regarding the completion of their theology core requirements.
Major Requirements
The major curriculum in Theology incorporates both structure and flexibility, intensive focus, and breadth of scope. Majors take a combination of essential, required courses and electives from within and outside the Department of Theology. Programs are designed in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies. Theology majors must choose one of the following curricular tracks:
I. The Standard Theology Major (30 hours) is relatively unstructured and flexible, easily tailored to various motivations and goals for theological study, and adaptable to the diverse paths and timetables by which students come to the major. It offers a theological enrichment and complement to a student’s BC education, through the following requirements:
- Theology Core (2 courses; 6 credits)
- Majors Course: THEO2001 Tradition and Traditions (1 course; 3 credits)
- Majors Course: THEO2002 Trajectories in Contemporary Theology (1 course; 3 credits)
- Electives (6 courses; 18 credits)*
*2 courses/6 credits from another discipline (including the first major) may also count toward the Standard Theology or Honors Theology majors, provided that they have sufficient theological relevance as determined by the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
II. The Honors Theology Major (36 hours) is designed for Theology as a first major, especially for students with an interest in further study of theology or related fields. Both rigorous and comprehensive, it provides an integrated introduction to the discipline and a broad foundation for further study. With its comprehensive distribution requirements across all areas, it exposes students to the entire breadth of the theological discipline. With increased credit hours and an optional thesis, it is capacious enough for students to focus on a particular sub-discipline in which to pursue and demonstrate theological excellence. As an Honors Program, it would also allow students to be recognized for their achievement, both within and outside the university, thus facilitating admission to the next level of study. Students are expected to maintain a 3.5 GPA within the major.
1. Theology Core (2 courses; 6 credits): Students must fulfill their normal Theology Core requirements with either (A or B):
A. One semester of Christian Theology:
- THEO1401 Engaging Catholicism
- THEO1402 God, Self, and Society
- CT-themed Enduring Questions/Complex Problems
And one semester of Sacred Texts and Traditions from the following:
- THEO1430 Buddhism and Christianity in Dialogue
- THEO1431 Islam and Christianity in Dialogue
- THEO1432 Hinduism and Christianity in Dialogue
- THEO1433 Chinese Religions and Christianity in Dialogue
- THEO1434 Judaism and Christianity in Dialogue
- STT-themed Enduring Questions/Complex Problems
(NOTE: Honors Majors may not fulfill their STT core requirement with THEO1420, THEO1421, or THEO1422)
B. Perspectives or PULSE.
2. Scripture Sequence (2 courses; 6 credits): Students must complete both THEO1420 The Everlasting Covenant: The Hebrew Bible and THEO1421 Inscribing the Word: The New Testament. Alternatively, students may complete THEO1422 The Sacred Page and an additional Scripture elective (level II or above) with the undergraduate director’s approval.
3. Majors Course: THEO2001 Tradition and Traditions (1 course; 3 credits)
4. Majors Course: THEO2002 Trajectories in Contemporary Theology (1 course; 3 credits)
5. Honors Electives (6 courses; 18 credits), including an optional Honors Thesis (6 or 12 credits).* At least two of these electives should be level 3 or above. Students, with the guidance of their advisor, should make sure their program of study addresses each of the general subject areas (Bible, History, Systematics, Ethics, Comparative Theology) covered by the department's faculty
*2 courses/6 credits from another discipline (including the first major) may also count toward the Standard Theology or Honors Theology majors, provided that they have sufficient theological relevance as determined by the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Students, with the guidance of their advisor, should endeavor to make sure their program of study addresses each of the theology sub-disciplines (i.e., Bible, History, Systematics, Ethics, Comparative Theology) covered by the department's faculty.
Minor Requirements (21 Hours)
The Theology minor consists of the Theology Core requirement plus five 3-credit courses that are Level Two or above.
Information for First-Year Majors and Non-majors
Theology is the academic discipline concerned with the realities that are the center of religious faith and with the traditions of belief and worship that inform the life of communities of faith. Historical, biblical, psychological, ethical, pastoral, comparative, philosophical, and doctrinal studies are all included within the scope of Theology at Boston College, which introduces the undergraduate to a mature, critical approach to religious knowledge and experience. There is a strong, but by no means exclusive, emphasis on Christianity, and more specifically, on the Roman Catholic tradition.
The courses offered are grouped into four categories: (1) biblical, (2) historical, (3) ethical and social-scientific, and (4) comparative and systematic or doctrinal. All courses, particularly those taught at the Core level, aim at fulfilling certain goals:
- A liberal arts goal of fostering awareness of the religious roots and background of our culture—for example, by giving students a coherent view of religion and its development, a groundwork for moral decision, and an awareness of their own existence as religious persons
- A specifically theological goal of introducing the materials and methods of one or more approaches to the academic study of religious faith and tradition
- A religious or confessional goal, explicit in some—though not all—courses, of exploring a particular tradition from the inside, healing negative encounters with religion, inviting commitment and belief, and the like.
Information for Study Abroad
There are no formal requirements stated by the Theology Department, but it is presumed that students will have completed at least one Core course (or 3 credits of the Core) before going abroad. The Department will allow 9 credits or three courses taken abroad to count toward major credit. A maximum of one Core course (3 credits) may be taken abroad.
All Theology majors should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies while planning their study abroad program.
Lonergan Center
Studies related to the work of the Jesuit theologian and philosopher Bernard Lonergan (1904–1984) have a focus in the Lonergan Center at Boston College. The Center houses a growing collection of Lonergan's published and unpublished writings as well as secondary materials and reference works, and it also serves as a seminar and meeting room. Kerry Cronin is the Associate Director of the Lonergan Center, which is located on the fourth level of Bapst Library and is open during regular hours as posted. Information about the Center or the Lonergan Institute is available at